‘writings’ Category

  1. mourning times

    October 29, 2012 by notnotalot

    the hard days bring the dripping nights. the throwaway nights.

    the drinking times, when things feel gone. good even. when tumblers catch you

    as you pour yourself away …

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  2. home.

    August 2, 2012 by notnotalot

    that new home smell. homemade. home grown. feel at home. home remedies. homespun. home sweet home.

    home free. home run. home field advantage. home turf. hometown hero. take the long way home …

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  3. i have seen the zombies

    July 28, 2012 by notnotalot

    i have seen the zombies

    an army, connected

    shuffling up, reduced of emotion

    faces glowing pallid halogen

    mesmerized by their devices

    flashing eyes of flickering death

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  4. bedtime

    July 6, 2012 by notnotalot

    sometimes i wish i were back on that staircase

    floating in my father’s weightless embrace

    peeking out over his shoulder

    as the world ebbed away with lullaby cadence …

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  5. hoarse advice

    July 6, 2012 by notnotalot

    Son, Once you get past the smell, it really isn’t too bad.  Just make sure you go to the bathroom before you settle in for the night.  Once the sun drops and the temperature follows, you won’t want to exit the carcass until daybreak. While the exterior of your horse …

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  6. the economy of movement

    June 30, 2012 by notnotalot

    It used to be that I’d worry so much, I almost couldn’t leave the house.  Not so much anymore, not since I’ve developed the checklist.  But before I had that, I’d get caught at the last minute all the time.  We’d be just about ready to go, but then I’d …

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