abhor the merrier


July 5, 2012

dear new york, i’m writing to tell you i won’t be able to make the exclusive event slated for this weekend.  i apologize, and i know the guest list was very tightly coordinated, but something’s come up and i have a conflicting engagement.  oh, and that super-secret rooftop party on …

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the economy of movement


June 30, 2012

It used to be that I’d worry so much, I almost couldn’t leave the house.  Not so much anymore, not since I’ve developed the checklist.  But before I had that, I’d get caught at the last minute all the time.  We’d be just about ready to go, but then I’d …

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a little consistency, that’s all


June 29, 2012

i never knew prison cells were made of copper plumbing

here’s the thing: if you make a simple advertisement, and it only has two images on it, and they’re both of the same person, and they’re supposed to tell a story of two sequential events..   ..would it be too difficult to make sure the dude’s wearing the same outfit …

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honky-tonk alge-bras


June 29, 2012

they're multiplying!

last night, while walking around sixth street, this all happened.  let’s do the math, shall we?.. 1 girl x 5 drinks = …   (1 friend of girl + envy) x free shot for dancing on the bar = …   2 friends / ((1 stranger + needs attention) x …

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dear Batman


June 28, 2012

dear Batman and friend,

stop foiling all of my plans

sincerely, Joker

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now what?


June 27, 2012

ummm, so we don't need anything else then? keep reading

love is recalling


June 26, 2012

love is recalling

something that you never knew

you had forgotten

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when they say ‘mount cactus’..


June 25, 2012

some more perspective, even less insight in what this thing is.

they don’t mean jump on something.  they mean, ‘hey, look at this crazy huge cactus-tree-mountain-hybrid that’s going to play a major role in the inevitable, real life war-of-the-words-esque invasion of the southwest united states.  by the martians.  the martians, man.  and they’re pretty miffed, ironically, after all of our recent …

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awl-in! – week 2 begins


June 22, 2012

yeah, i have no idea either. but preeeetty.

What do you do when you’re full of creative thoughts and even more creative self-doubt?  Go for a walk around Austin! at night.  Very pretty, very relaxing, and the sultry 90 degree heat makes you feel like sweatin’ your cares away.      

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June 20, 2012

To the guy at the coffee shop who is here every day: Stop it.  Stop being here.  Every day.  You can’t just take up residence, occupying a table all day, every day.  You’re starting to bother people, I can see it.  They’re all being polite, but I can see how …

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